The Auvergne Regional Council has entrusted the management of Vulcania ti a Mixed Economy Society, the SEM Volcans, governed by private law.
It operates under a public service delegation. Its capital is 3.6 million. It is headed by Sophie Rognon and chaired by Frédéric Bonnichon, Deputy Chairman of the Regional Council Auvergne Rhône-Alpes. SEM Volcan pays annually to the Regional Council a fee proportional to the investments made.
Composition of SEM Volcans
Public shareholders
- The Regional Council of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes,
- 4 départements: Puy-de-Dôme, Cantal, Haute-Loire, Allier,
- Clermont-Auvergne-Métropole.
Private shareholders
- La Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations,
- Le Crédit Agricole,
- La Caisse d’Épargne d’Auvergne et du Limousin,
- Manufacture française des pneumatiques Michelin,
- Limagrain,
- Société des eaux de Volvic,
- RAPP9 – Groupe Orange,
- Régional – Compagnie Aérienne Européenne.
It employs 54 permanent employees and about 270 enployees in high season.
SEM VOLCANS – VULCANIA has been convinced for many years that gender diversity is a real asset for the company. For example, we obtained a score of 88/100 on the Gender Equality Index for the year 2025 for the 2024 data, which reflects our commitment to non-discrimination in pay and career development between men and women in the company, and we are taking steps to continue to improve this rate.
(40 out of 40 for the pay gap; 25 out of 35 for the gap in the rate of individual pay rises; 10 out of 10 for the number of employees of the under-represented sex in the 10 highest earners; the indicator relating to pay rises on return from maternity leave cannot be calculated).