The site you are visiting uses tracers called “cookies” (which in this version are not delicious cakes). The site is thus likely to access information already stored in your equipment (smartphone, computer …) and to enter new information.

Clarification of Article 30 of the GDPR

Natural persons may be associated […] with online identifiers such as IP addresses and cookies or other identifiers […]. These identifiers can leave traces that, especially when combined with unique identifiers and other information received by servers, can be used to create profiles of individuals and identify them.

This information reinforces Article 26, which states that any information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify an individual is considered personal data.

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), also referred to by its French acronym RGPD (Règlement général de protection des données) is the new reference text for data protection at the European level. The regulation was published in May 2016, after many years of development.

To learn more about cookies and trackers, we invite you to visit the CNIL website:

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