Discover the fascinating
world of volcanoes

Volcans d’Auvergne

(Auvergne volcanoes)

An outdoor route to discover and understand the Auvergne’s volcanoes.


This exhibition showcases the geological heritage of Auvergne’s volcanoes through a well-documented outdoor path. Thanks to models, explanatory panels, informative commentaries and an overlap reality experience, discover the splendour of Auvergne volcanic landscapes and the Chaîne des Puys – Limagne fault tectonic hotspot, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2018.
Learn to read the exceptional panorama surrounding Vulcania and discover surprising anecdotes about the volcanic rocks that litter the route.


  • Outdoor route with explanatory panels, models and volcanic rocks

The formation of Chaîne des Puys with the Overlap reality

Project yourself back in time to understand how the volcanoes of the Chaîne des Puys were formed. Armed with your smartphone, observe the exceptional panorama surrounding the park as it was 11,000, 13,000 or even 100,000 years ago!

The overlap reality is an immersive technology that allows you to visualise a scene, directly linked to the landscape around you, with a 360° vision as if it were happening in front of you!

New this summer

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Volcans d’Auvergne on the map

Volcans d'Auvergne on the map-

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