Volcanic tales and legends

Tales and legends come to life on stage through a live show.

AGE LIMIT : 3-8 yo

Duration : 30 minutes

With this new show adapted to the little ones, the young visitors discover 2 stories told by the volcano book and the scientific animators of the park.
The first story takes place in Hawaii and talks about Ka’u Moku, a young volcano born at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean who dreams of growing up to form a volcanic island. The children, with the help of other characters, will have to help Ka’u Moku realize his dream.
The second story takes place in Japan, on the island of Honshu protected by Riujin-Sama, the dragon god of rain. The children will discover how this dragon god brings peace and prosperity to the inhabitants by making rain fall and calming the anger of the Ontake volcano.


  • Family show

Volcanic Tales and Legends on the map

Volcanic tales and legends-

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