With scientists

For each of 3 Vulcania’s theme (Volcanoes, Natural phenomena and Space), discover exhibition spaces in the company of our scientific animators!

Explore the volcanoes of Auvergne with the commentaries of our animators through l’Expo Chaîne Des Puys (Auvergne volcanoes exhibition), understand earthquakes, their formation, their measurement and the prevention of risks with l’Expo Séismes (Earthquakes), discover the secrets of our blue planet with Machine Terre (Earth Machine) and Planète dévoilée (Unveiled Planet) or take part in workshops to perform fun experiments!

Why attend an animation with a Vulcania scientist?

The Vulcania Park has a team of scientists who are passionate about Earth sciences!

By taking advantage of the park’s exhibition spaces (Machine TerreExpo Séismes and Expo Chaîne des Puys), by observing the Earth from space during a Planète dévoilée (Unveiled Planet) session and by participating in workshops at the Coin des expériences (Experiment Corner), you will thus benefit from a privileged moment of interactivity to ask all your questions about volcanoes and natural phenomena, and thus thanks to a tailor-made session!


The discovery tour (only in French)

Would you like to learn about the history of the park and its unusual architecture, as well as the specific features of Auvergne Volcanoes and worldwide? Book your discovery tour at the same time as your entrance tickets on our online ticketing or at the cash desk when you arrive on the day of your visit.

Workshops and animations with our scientists

Exhibitions deciphered by our scientific animators

Explore Vulcania’s exhibitions with the explanations of the scientific animators, present to answer all your questions!

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